Born and raised on a dairy farm operation outside of Pelican Rapids MN. Fall has always been my favorite season, between cheering for the Vikings and hunting season, it’s what I look forward to most each year. My passion for the outdoors started at a young age, I have great memories tagging along with my dad and older brothers on small game hunts and running the trapline. Deer hunting has always been one of the deepest rooted traditions in our family as well. In 2008 I moved to North Dakota to live and work. Living here I am able to pursue MuleDeer, Whitetail, Elk and antelope in North Dakota and neighboring Montana on an annual basis. I fell in love with North East Montana in 2011 when I experienced the rugged Missouri River Breaks for the first time. Still to this day i have not experienced a more beautiful place to hunt, fish, or just enjoy an outdoor vacation with family and friends. When I am not guiding my wife and I along with our two dogs are usually on the road somewhere visiting family or enjoying our own hunting or fishing trip somewhere across the midwest.